This is what it's all about

Saturday, May 04, 2013

Finally the seemingly never ending  winter has passed and spring is taking shape. 6 more days till the Kawartha walleye opener and my first outing of the year. The plan is a day trip to Balsam Lake. I often target this lake on opening day, not for the dinner plate, but to have some fun. The plan of attack is simple, hair jigs and the old reliable jig and grub. I have a feeling this year could be a good bite . The last few openers gave us some warm weather and water temp making for some tough action. The cooler more slow developing springs have yielded a better bite and this year falls in that category. Like always, there is a back up plan just in case the walleye have lock jaw. Baslam has a booming pike population and they make for some great action. Plus they taste good! A full report to come next weekend. Hope to see you out there.

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Walleye opener

Walleye opener
24" walleye